For Municipalities

New Jersey PACE, a NJ-based 501c3 nonprofit, is ready to assist your municipality or county improvement authority in creating a local PACE program that meets the state requirements, to maximize the benefits to your constituents.. Please contact Executive Director Jonathan Cloud at 908-581-8418 or for more information.

Contact us to request a copy.

Specifically, we offer interested municipalities a unique Outreach and Engagement Program. This structured, multi-tiered outreach program ensures that New Jersey municipalities are well-informed, supported, and motivated to embrace the Garden State C-PACE program. Please contact us to request a copy.

Download our 1-page League of Municipalities handout.






We also have a draft brief on what municipal officials need to know about the new Garden State C-PACE Program. Please contact us to request a copy.


The Garden State C-PACE Program offers municipalities an innovative tool for supporting green building practices, improving energy efficiency, and boosting local economic development. By understanding the program’s key components and encouraging participation, municipal officials can help foster a more sustainable and resilient community while attracting investment in clean energy and infrastructure.

Nationwide, C-PACE programs have already generated approximately $9 billion in private investment, over $15 billion in economic development, and more than 100,000 job years.

According to industry estimates:

  • Every $10 Million spent on PACE projects results in 150 new job-years.
  • $10 Million invested in retrofits adds $25 Million to the local economy and as much as $2.5 Million in additional tax revenue.[1]
  • $20 Million spent adds a megawatt of renewable electrical generation and eliminates 600 tons of CO2 emissions.

The Garden State C-PACE Program is available only to municipalities that participate through an opt-in Program Agreement and pass a Model Ordinance in the form prescribed by NJEDA. We now have a kit for municipal administrators, available on request. The kit includes the Model Ordinance and Program Agreement, as well as the Program Guidelines and other materials.

We work with Municipal officials in communities throughout New Jersey to assist them in establishing local PACE programs and obtaining approval from NJEDA. If your city or town would like assistance in joining and accepting applications for PACE projects in your community, please contact us.

[1] Cf. Randall Pozdena & Alec Josephson: “Economic Impact Analysis of Property Assessed Clean Energy Programs (PACE),” Research Performed by ECONorthwest for PACENow, April 2011. According to the authors,

If one viewed the PACE program as a jobs stimulus program (akin to those pursued at public expense under American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009), the cost per job at $67,000 is quite modest. In fact, of course, in the PACE program the only significant role of government is to authorize a financing mechanism to overcome what some believe to be non-­economic impediments to credit access.

3 thoughts on “For Municipalities”

  1. Come visit our booth to reduce your facility’s energy expense with cogeneration.

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    • Aegis’ CHP systems help you achieve LEEDs points in project consideration
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    Please email or call me to discuss how CHP reduces energy expense that is sustainable and resilient.

    Warmest regards
    David Hernandez

    Aegis Energy Services, Inc.
    Office: 413-536-1156 | Mobile: 203-942-7376
    55 Jackson St, Holyoke, MA 01040

  2. Additionally we want to share with you and NJPACE, the new U.S. EPA rule that is pending legislative approval. Moreover how CHP is by far the most cost effective manner that can meet the required goals.

    Contact me to discuss how Aegis Energy Services can help reach your emission goals that is sustainable and resilient.

    David Hernandez
    Aegis Energy Services, Inc.
    Office: 413-536-1156 | Mobile: 203-942-7376
    55 Jackson St, Holyoke, MA 01040

  3. Hi,

    I am currently working with an environmental group in Michigan, which is seeking to have our city pass an ordinance for PACE programs. I was hoping to be able to see any ordinances in your state (state, city, or town level) that have been passed, as well as your latest model ordinance. This would be a great help to us!

    Thank you!

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