From the Sonoma County PACE Manual, Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Replication Guidance Package for Local Governments (March 2012):
SCEIP was the first countywide PACE program in the State of California and continues to provide both residential and non-residential PACE financing.
Joined by every incorporated city and town, SCEIP covers all areas in the geographic County of Sonoma. In the first three years of operation, SCEIP has financed over $55 million in projects, representing over 1600 residential properties, 50 non-residential properties and 2600 individual improvements. Because a majority of the improvements have been performed by local contractors, most of the $55 million in funding provided by the County has remained within the local community, generating over 70 job-years of local labor.
SCEIP allows more than 90 eligible measures for energy efficiency, water conservation and renewable energy generation. Since program launch, SCEIP has financed over 7.5MW of photovoltaic solar generation, equating to a GHG reduction of 4, 700 tons annually. An effort to quantify the energy savings and GHG reduction for financed PACE improvements is currently underway.